That’s why I’ve created these self-study mini-courses for the woman who’s SO ready to OWN IT, but not sure where to start!
The best thing?
I’ve made them super affordable!
What would your life look like if those gremlins in your head were silenced? If you stopped doubting your greatness and confidently owned your worth? If worrying about what other people think became a thing of the past?
This mini-course is for women ready to make some big changes in their life so they can live large and in charge!
I get it, empowerment can be elusive! For years, I lived on the roller coaster of highs and lows. I never felt worthy and subconsciously looked for ways to prove myself right. It wasn’t until my 30th birthday that I DECIDED it was time for a new sheriff in town.
In this course, I’m deconstructing the EXACT ways I was able to overcome my own self-doubt and fears, and how this shift in mindset has opened the doors to a bigger, bolder, beautiful life on my own terms that is just as possible for you!
I’ll cover:
How to overcome the constant worry and fear of being criticized and judged so that you can step into your power and show up exactly as you want.
How to identify and create a plan to eliminate the noise that keeps you distracted so you can refocus your energy on things that matter.
My take on setting boundaries so that you teach others how to treat you and no longer have to put up with people and situations that don’t serve you.
How to effectively let go of the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying for years so that you experience emotional freedom and empowerment on a new level.
Exactly how I let go of the need to constantly future trip so that I could be more present in my life and focus on the here and now.
When was the last time you really challenged the way you thought about your confidence? Chances are, you probably haven’t given it much thought! The thing is, we update everything else in our lives but never stop to think about the beliefs that may hold us back from the life we truly desire.
That’s why I’ve designed this mini-course to help you take a hard look at the way you view your own confidence and challenge your thinking like never before.
The truth about confidence and where you actually have a high amount of confidence TODAY….(itmay not be where you think.)
My major “ah-ha” moment grounded in neuroscience that has been a game changer to my understanding of my own emotions, feelings and reactions that has enabled me to step up my confidence #likeaboss
One UNIVERSAL TRUTH that we all need to embrace in order to show up exactly as you want.
Why aligning our passions can create the quickest shortcut to true and lasting confidence.
My top secret for staying happy, positive and in a high vibe that can be an EASY game changer EVERYONE has access to.
4 Strategies to Find Your Voice, Make a Bigger Impact and Step into Your True Potential
What does it really mean to find your voice? To me, it means to find your own truth….your own convictions. To be able to articulate what you stand for and why.
For years, I didn’t have a clue what I stood for and when asked the question, I would embarrassingly look to others to model myself after, never taking the time to question if any of it aligned with my true self.
As time went on, I realized that I had my own truth and my own voice barricaded behind by incessant copycat behavior and “being” what I thought other people wanted.
What DO you stand for and why?
What do you put up with?
What do you truly in your heart of heart’s believe?
How are you acting and feeling on that conviction each and every day?
Intimately knowing your voice is empowering and directly connects to our confidence and self-worth. It allows you to stand your ground, gives you a cause, and enables you to feel grounded. This strength of character enriches your life in every way from career choices to relationships and everything in between. Best of all, finding your voice enables you to reenergize your soul and find your spark again that we all seem to lose along the way.
This mini-course, takes you on a journey to discover the answers to those big questions and covers:
The exact questions I answered about myself that enabled me to truly become more self-aware.
The step-by-step process I took to realize what I stand for that allowed me to be crystal clear on my convictions, dropping my need to copy anyone.
Exactly how I was able to sharpen my intuition so that I had a stronger sense of knowing when I was on the right path.
How to turn your burned out ember into a bonfire that ignites your soul.